Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seven Months of Milly

It rained the other day, and though I kept you indoors I made sure to put a rain coat on you.. No not because I'm an overprotective mother.. just a sucker for a cute jacket.
Milly you are now seven months. This has been the fastest seven months of my life. It's funny because my life up to the point of your arrival has been all about the next phase. Waiting anxiously to be done with school, waiting for your dad to purpose already, waiting out the week for the weekend and awaiting your arrival was the hardest. But since you've come on the scene it's as if I don't want the days to go by. I kiss you way too much because I know the day will come all too soon when you won't allow me to do so. Milly I hope and wish for you to experience all the good this life has to offer. I hope you become everything you want to become, but most of all I wish you true love and motherhood, because without it you may never know what this love feels like. I feel like your days of being my baby are slipping through my hands like sand, I know I can't stop it, so all I can do is watch and hopefully be wise enough to cherish it.
Milly we took you to Bear lake last week and you sat in that cold water and splashed around. The trip took a turn when we had to head home because you got so sick. That night at about 1 am we decided to take you into the ER. You had come down with croup. Milly I want you know that your dad held you from the moment we got to the hospital to when we left at 3 am. Your dad has a calming affect on you that I think only he can provide. I hope you and your dad continue to have that bond, the same bond that I have always enjoyed with my dad.
You really want to crawl, but for now you scoot boy do you scoot.
Milly your eyes light up when you smile and I love that you are incapable of smiling without opening your entire mouth. It's like if you smile.. you smile big my sweetie.
Thank you for being such a good little baby and providing your dad and I with a constant stream of joy. You have softened my heart my darling, and that my dear says a lot.
Love you,


  1. Oh Lindy I just love you! Milly is such a sweet little baby, but I believe she has wonderful parents that really make her shine!!! You are such hard ass mom with a huge heart!!!

    Love you

  2. I'd like to blame it on post-partum hormones, but I'm pretty sure those should be all gone now and back to normal seeing as I had my baby two months ago, but reading your post made me cry just a little. Mostly because I know exactly how you feel...
    You seem like a very sweet mother and little Miss Milly is pretty lucky to have you as her mom!

    One of my favorite baby shower gifts was a book called "Someday" by Alison Mcghee. I suggest picking it up and reading it with your baby girl. You might cry though, but it's a sweet book.

  3. I cried a little too, because it is all so true. It's very strange to go from wishing things would come faster to wishing time would just stand still for a little bit.

  4. so sweet! Did your mom make that adorable quilt she's sitting on? SO cute! You have a way with words, so the rest of us mothers can reflect on our own time without having to come up with the words. love it!

  5. That's funny someone else mentioned "Someday" because that's what I thought of. If you don't have that book already you must buy it today! I was huge and pregnant when I read it for the first time....then I was huge and pregnant and bawling in the middle of Barnes and Noble! It is so so good.

  6. Lindy it is so fun to see Millie is up to especially because Cache is almost 7 months. She is so cute! I want to meet her in person.
