Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Good Move

Most of you know we’re in our new home. We’re still in Cache Valley or “God’s Country,” as Mason calls it. We’re a short 10 minutes away from where we use to live. It’s one of those happy moves in where we purchased a new home and didn’t have to lose any friends. It all happened really quickly you’ll have to ask Mason to tell you the whole story, it’s a good one, trust me. I’m slowly decorating and organizing our new place. I'll get you pictures of what I've finished so far, but I've spent more time browsing through Pottery Barn catalogs than I have actually decorating. This will be the next big purchase on my list. I have a perfect little place for it in my kitchen.
Pottery Barn makes me swoon.


  1. Awesome! I'm an organizing freak. I need that!

  2. You should go to the Down East Tent sell, or just down east I bet they have that their for half the price:) I get ALL the PB magazines just so I can pretend like I'm shopping:) LOVE that place!!

