Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Computer light glaring at my face, cold fingers skim the keyboard, my head shifts to the window. I gaze with wonder as beautiful flurries appear from the blue abyss. I began to reflect on all the graces snow has granted me. I kind of owe snow, in a way. As the white beauty camouflages my brown grass I’m trying to imagine my life without snow. Only my imagination is not one of wonder, and two, I’ve never really wanted a life without this cold white stuff.
This morning I woke up to a skiff of snow, and admittedly wished for more. I came home from the gym, shoved snow boots on my two year old and we shoveled that skiff off our driveway, not because I had to, but because I wanted to connect with a love that has provided me such joy for as long as I can remember. My daughter and I walked the block in our snow boots, it's fun to see her try to figure it out. To stomp it, slip on it, and gingerly walk the sidewalks. Her cold rosy cheeks warmed my heart. I took a deep breath and inhaled a cold refreshing thought, the thought that everything was, one day, going to be okay. Perhaps it wasn’t going to be today, but it will, someday.
With all snow has given me, it once again, displayed its generosity, as it provided me with one of life's ultimate little treasures, hope. I realized while some things in life are ever-changing, snow is not. It will come every winter, guaranteed. It may come too late, or too early. There may be too much, or not enough, but there will be snow and where there is snow, there is hope.
Those of you who frequent this blog (thank you) and you may have seen this post before. I revised it for the purposes of this prompt from Write on Edge.
The guidelines for this prompt:
This is a piece about (x), illustrated through (y).
So, for this week, we want the (x) to be hope.

This is a piece about hope, illustrated through (y).What is the (y)? Only you know. You have that truth—those stories in you. Now share it with us.In 400 words or less. A true story about hope, illustrated through your experiences


  1. Snow is a great place to visit, but I can't imagine living there. :) The way you paint this picture is truly delightful, and I grabbed my blanket out of reflex for the cozy of it!

    Quick concrit though: "Only my imagination is not one of wonder, and two, I’ve never really wanted a life without this cold white stuff."

    I read "two" and had to re-read looking for the "one". This felt awkward to me.

    Aside from that though, your voice shines and makes me want to grab my gear and go visit snow!

  2. I ike the feel of this. I started shivering half way through. You really brought me into your space.

    My only critique would be turn some commas into periods. But I'm a sucker for short, punchy sentences. You know, like boxing jabs.

    Love the imagery and it's very well written.
