Friday, March 8, 2019

Book Review: Where The Crawdads Sing

Read this book.

It lacks for nothing. Except fantasy, a genre I cannot swallow no matter how small the dose is.
Owens delivers a main character you will come to know, understand and ultimately fall in love with. Truly developing a character you will root for.
The plot goes back and forth between time periods. As the past catches up with the present the page turning intensifies.
Owens blends a coming of age story, with a murder mystery. She approaches tragedy, abandonment and loneliness in a smooth, slow way giving the reader time to develop an understanding of such events without a swift gut punch.
I adored the way she describes the marsh of North Carolina and it's surroundings. I also loved her creative use of poetry to propel the story. It challenged me to think a little deeper about the text before me.
Another story of human resilience, of which I never tire.
Applause to Delia Owens.

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