Oh my goodness let me just tell you something that you completely couldn't care less about.. but still there is no one else that I can tell but my little blog.
Last night I went on the most fabulous run. It was a run without the jogging stroller. Because the only thing better than a good run, is a good run without a jogging stroller.
It was 8 pm. I told Mason I'm out of here... I walked out my front door and was about to do the same old boring six mile loop around my block.. then I thought of a six mile loop that I just adored when I was in college. Yes I used the word adore to describe a running loop, because running is truly my first love.. and you know what they say about a first love, it usually doesn't work out in the end, but you never forget a first love.. or if that's not what they say then they should because it makes perfect sense to me, and this situation makes a beautiful simile.. Don't you think? So I hopped in my car, drove to my old college apartment parked in the visitor's parking, which was a rude reminder. I took off on the run starting with the 800 East hill. As I ran the loop college memories came flooding back. Fortunately for me.. I have so many fond ones. Along the run I came across the shuttle stops. My mind brought me back to a time when I rode the shuttle far beyond the stop I needed because I felt the conversation I was having with the cute guy next to me was far more important than making it back to my apartment and then I remembered he got my number and never used it... So funny that I remembered that. As I passed Aggie ice cream more flashbacks flooded my mind. I didn't meet Mason until my senior year. I remember the spot I was at when I called Mason after my first class of my last semester. He asked how it went and I said, "Mason I just love school, I'm back in my element." And the fact that he called me even after I revealed the geekiest side of myself is a testament to.. well.. just how weird he is I guess. And I thought look at me back in my element, no not cracking the books, but in a sense maybe I was. I felt marvelous during the run maybe it was my mind telling my body I was back in college maybe it was the freedom of no jogging stroller. At the end of the loop I just kept running because I knew it would be awhile until I actually have the time to do this run again. The run cleared my head and was able to rid my mind of a thousand negative thoughts I have had recently that creep up on me and weigh me down. I was reminded of how lucky I was to have my health, and a body that allows to keep flirting with my first love.
I love how you write Lin... don't stop.
you literally brought tears to my eyes... I want to run SO bad. Thanks for rubbing it in